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Ignite Your CEO Mindset 
and Lead with Confidence!

Unleash Your Inner CEO and Rise to the C-Suite,
Without Burning Out or Thinking About Work on the Weekends

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We can work really hard to make our way up the corporate ladder.

Whether we work with a  company or are building our own, it's all too common for us to spend long periods of time with our heads down, hustling away and when we finally look up, we realize that our ship has been slowly sinking around us. 

So many leaders at all levels struggle with:

  • Overthinking their decisions and not trusting their own creative talent

  • Not going for the opportunities, exciting projects or promotions because they don’t think they are ‘there yet.’

  • Not using a proven framework to gain the respect of the current leaders in their field.

  • Thinking “It’ll be faster if I do it myself” and not trusting their teams.

  • Working themselves into burnout and missed deadlines. 

  • Not supporting and coaching their team like a true leader.

  • Working on the weekends and saying “Sorry I can’t” to their friends and loved ones.


When you become a Bad A** Boss Leader,  you’ll be able to confidently lead yourself, your team and your organization to the next level that you deserve.

Get ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling balanced, focused, and confident when you rock up to your desk on a Monday morning.


Here’s what we’re going to cover in the 3-day challenge:

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“I have learnt countless valuable lessons that are applicable in all aspects of my life”

“For me, this leadership programme has been a great oasis for my personal and professional development. I have learnt countless valuable lessons that are applicable in all aspects of my life, one such lesson is to always operate with consciousness and from a place of intention. As a leader this has become important, it helps me stay focused and mindful about how I show up each day.”

- Marlon, Senior Team Lead

“Throughout the time with Nadine, we have made personal changes and have seen the impact of those changes”

“This has been a transformative journey. As individual leaders leading ourselves, we are better for it and as a team, we have come together and are stronger because of it. Throughout the time with Nadine, we have made personal changes and have seen the impact of those changes in the way we are with our team and with each other. Our trust factor has increased, and our results have improved.”

- Catherine Kennedy, General Manager


Here’s what’s going to happen when you sign up for
‘Ignite Your CEO Mindset’ 3-day challenge:


Sign up For the Challenge

Click the button below, enter your details and you’ll be officially on the guest list for the free challenge.


Join the Community

Become part of the free pop-up Facebook Group, filled with others who have the same goals and struggles as you do.


Watch the Sessions

Join me each day for a short video lesson, and learn how to unlock your next level of leadership!



Ignite Your CEO Mindset 
and Lead with Confidence!

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