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Become the Leader of Your Own Life with

Leading by Design

“I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

- Bronnie Ware, One of The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying

We’ve all heard the iconic quote that the number #1 regret that people hold at the end of their lives is that they didn’t live the life that THEY wanted. 

And yet so many people put off living as their authentic selves until they’re old, until they earn enough money, until they’re more successful. 

They get stuck living by default, instead of living by design. 

  • Who would you be, right now, if you were living a life that’s true to yourself?

  • Who would you be if you were fulfilling your full potential? 

  • What would you achieve if you were playing bigger, in EVERY area of your life? 

Have more impact. Travel the world. Get fit and healthy. Write that book?

Being the leader of your own life is about rewiring your brain for success instead of fear. It has nothing to do with productivity, leadership skills or how many emails you can fire off before 9am. 

The #1 thing that holds us back from living our lives in a way that gives us true fulfilment and joy is our own sense of self! The people around us can say whatever they want, but it becomes a problem when we internalise those words, and turn them into beliefs that limit the way we show up in the world. 

It’s time for you to live, and lead, by design.

We all start out with big dreams. 

But somewhere along the way they get buried under a pile of everyday stresses, like admin, and working your way up the ladder at work. 

More people that you think end up feeling stuck in a rut, unfulfilled by the life they’ve built for themselves, with no idea what to do next.  

Over the years I’ve coached 100s of people who feel exactly like that, and there’s one big lesson that I’ve learned. 

I’ll share it with you now, 100% free. 

  • It’s not your decisions that are holding you back, it’s your mindset. 

  • Fear holds us back from making brave decisions. 

  • Uncertainty keeps us from deciding what we really want. 

  • Our limiting beliefs are better at holding us back than any practical problems ever could. 

It’s time to stop settling for less.


Life has more to offer to those who are sick of settling. A lot more. 

  • Embark on a journey from confusion to crystal-clear clarity as you uncover your aspirations across every facet of life. 

  • Experience the transition from uncertainty to a well-defined path, mapping out actionable steps that lead to your goals. 

  • Transform your mindset, shifting from limiting thoughts to proactive strides, as you conquer self-doubt with determination. 

  • Step into empowerment, leaving stagnation behind and embracing vital actions that propel you toward success. 

  • Embrace a shift in mindset, transcending scarcity to welcome abundant growth, guided by the steps that unlock your boundless potential. 

Your path awaits – let's journey together and make these changes happen!

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Leading By Design

The 6-Week Blueprint You Need to Finally Move Forward

Pay in full for $497 or 2x payments of $299


“Meet your true self. Peel back the layers of who you think you are or who people say you are and live your truth” 

- Heather


Module 1: Paradigm

Discover the ways your thoughts cause you to experience your life the way you do. At the end of this module, you will be much more aware of yourself! 

Module 2: Parallel

Understand the ways in which your energy works for you and against you, and how to use your energy to attract more of the things you do want, and less of the things you don’t want.

Module 3: Possibility

Learn how to tap into your personal power and amplify your energy and how to avoid the things that block or limit your potential.

Module 4: Process

Learn the simple neuroscience of how your brain works, so you can create habits and systems that stick, and inevitably create the life you want.

Module 5: Peace

Learn how to experience true peace and serenity in your daily life, without getting caught up in feelings of being ‘behind schedule’ or not enough. Those days are behind you!


Leading By Design

The 6-Week Blueprint You Need to Finally Move Forward

Pay in full for $497 or 2x payments of $299


Real value for your money! I’ve done similar courses but this was by far the most extensivE! I was feeling stuck and unsure about my career and leading by design gave me the step-by-step guide to determine the steps I needed to discover what I truly wanted with my life!”

- Tiffany


Hello there! I'm Nadine,

I’m a mindset and leadership coach and I've had the privilege of coaching people from various backgrounds: managers, entrepreneurs, leaders, professionals, and executives – the list goes on.

What united them was a shared desire for something more in life, a longing to break free from settling. They recognized that life shouldn't be dominated by frustration, anxiety, stress, and fatigue.

They understood the importance of stepping into their purpose and unleashing their true potential.

In response to this need, I've designed a unique, comprehensive, and transformative course specifically for individuals like you. This course equips you with the tools to delve into your own psychology, uncover self-limiting beliefs, and pave the way for the fulfilling life you truly deserve.

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Leading By Design

The 6-Week Blueprint You Need to Finally Move Forward

Pay in full for $497 or 2x payments of $299