3 Reasons Emotions are Required in Leadership

March is the designated month where we celebrate the achievements and milestones that women have made and continue to make. It started from a desire for shorter working hours, better pay and the right to vote.

This year, the theme is Breaking The Bias!

Bias is the tendency to be unfair, prejudicial, discriminatory, and stereotype and all of us, including us women have this tendency. However, imagine a world where this does not exist. In this world, we value, honour and celebrate our similarities and our differences.

The Power of Emotions

Oftentimes, when we think of emotions, we automatically think about women or believe that showing emotions is a sign of weakness. Maybe you have heard at some point in your life that you cannot showcase your emotions in the workplace, but what if I told you that allowing space where your employees can express appropriate emotions yields more benefits than drawbacks.

Mastering the art and skill of emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one’s emotions. It involves learning how to communicate your emotions effectively to resolve conflict, overcome any challenges and most importantly, empathize with someone else. Though mastering this can be challenging and time consuming, it is considered one of the pillars to building an indestructible team and becoming a great leader. 

Here are 3 ways for developing EI.

  1. Practice responding instead of reacting - It may sound easier said than done but which do you think will bring the best results… A leader who yells at their team or the one who takes a calm and considered approach to the issue? Being level-headed and approachable is essential to bridging any gap between yourself and your team. You can do this by bringing awareness to how you react to stressful situations. After, write about how you felt in the situation and how you wanted to approach it. This helps you to better communicate with your team and give you the chance to approach the next situation more appropriately.

  2. Listen to hear and not to respond - Are you the leader who truly takes the time to hear what your team has to say or a leader who quickly wants them to finish speaking so you can gain control of the room/ space again? Listening not only makes your team members feel respected, but it also helps you to understand someone else’s perspective while understanding how they communicate. Remember, we all communicate in different ways. Some people may be talkative, while others say much more with their bodies or facial expressions, whichever it is, listening helps us to step outside of our own minds and truly appreciate the thoughts and feelings of someone else.

  3. Get over your bias towards emotions - Yes! Some women can be emotional and it is a huge part of what makes them powerful. Understanding that emotions are not a “feminine” thing but a “human” thing, allows leaders to dive deeply into who they are and to effectively lead their teams to even greater success.

As we celebrate women for everything they are and will become, let’s stop to think about the power our emotions hold and move away from the bias that only women can feel and express these emotions or that doing this makes them weak. Instead, recognize the value in our most vulnerable moments and continue to inspire.

To all the women that I have had the privilege of knowing… whether you have been my friend, my family, my client or someone I spoke to in passing, know that in one way or another, you have made an impact.

I’m Nadine Seaga and I’m a Mindset & Leadership Coach, Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants. I can help you to harness your full potential and the full potential of those you lead!

Check out my website at pdconsults.com for more information or shoot me an email at nadine@pdconsults.com to connect and get started on this life-changing work.  

Nadine Seaga