Top 5 Tips for Fostering Creativity in the Workplace

One common factor amongst great leaders is the ability to reimagine possibilities and see opportunities where others do not. Today, creativity is a key factor for your business success and having a space that fosters creative growth and innovation could be that stepping stone towards your goals and business success.  

Here are my top 5 tips for fostering a creative environment that is guaranteed to inspire your team.

1. Remove the Ceiling - Chances are, you have placed a ceiling on your team. Does this sound familiar? “We have to stay within the budget, so scrap this” or “That idea does not seem feasible for this quarter, try the next”. Having a space that gives your team opportunities to imagine possibilities that align with your company’s values, mission and vision without stopping them in their tracks, builds confidence in them and trust in you as their leader. If you do have a budget, or any other constraint, better to ask them to come up with ideas within these parameters rather than shutting them down. This will help them to focus and be creative at the same time.

2. Encourage individuality - Your employees want to know that you value their thoughts and opinions. Become aware of their qualities, talents, abilities, and skillsets and take steps to get their opinions and ideas. While some of your team members may thrive in a group environment, others maybe are more introverted and would prefer to share in a one-on-one conversation. Your employees will respond well to this and are likely to feel more engaged and committed.

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3. Kill the “How” during brainstorming – It’s hard to not think about the “how”. How are we going to get this done? How much time will this take? How will I get this person to say yes? While the how is important, leave it for last. Getting there first or too quickly can potentially weaken your team’s creativity and energy. It could also serve to limit the ideas your team share if they believe they must know how their idea will work before they share it.

4. Facilitate, not micromanage - Nobody likes to feel as if they are constantly being managed. Try guiding and facilitating your team’s creative discussions. Instead of telling them where to go with an idea, empower them by asking questions so their own answers will provide insights. It all comes down to demonstrating that you value them.

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 5. Support Mistakes - Mistakes can seem like a nightmare and something to avoid, but if you open yourself up to other perspectives, it can be something that happens for you. Mistakes create space for new ideas, solutions and most importantly, lessons.  Mistakes or failures can encourage relentlessness and fuel passion.

Next time you or your team fail at something, consider being encouraging, ask questions and allow space and opportunities for your team to create and be creative! As Einstein said, creativity is intelligence having fun.

I’m Nadine Seaga and I’m a Mindset & Leadership Coach, Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants. I can help you to harness your full potential and the full potential of those you lead! Check out my website at for more information or shoot me an email at to connect and get started on this life-changing work.

Nadine Seaga