The Top 3 Tips to a Purposeful and Powerful Quarterly Review

When we see a painting, we see the finished product and get the opportunity to revel in its beauty. What we don’t see, is what it takes to get there, adjusting colours, adding more paint, creating depth and light…the process. When it comes to your business goal, we start with the end in mind. One of the best ways to get us to the goal is to break it into bite size pieces aka. mini goals, that you work towards each quarter. At the end of each quarter, we give ourselves the opportunity to reflect on what we learnt, what obstacles got in the way, what capabilities we became aware of and what strengths we developed. In what ways can we use this information to improve for the next quarter?

Here are my top three tips for an effective quarterly review.

1.     Assess how realistic your time frame is in achieving your objective. Goals, by its very meaning is designed to get you somewhere you are not and sometimes when we don’t attain them, we consider ourselves failures and/or abandon the goals instead of adjusting the time-frame. Continuously assess the circumstances as well as the skillsets, knowledge, character traits and energy levels of your self and your team and be willing to make adjustments as you go.

By doing this, you will inspire your team to keep trying new things and create an environment that supports learning and growth.

2. Focus on one goal at a time. This may cause some people to quiver because in the workplace there is so much to juggle, who has time to focus on one thing; no wonder so much comes crashing down or get lost in the cracks. Seriously though, focusing on one objective at a time doesn’t mean you won’t hit other important milestones, it means that you are purposefull and committed in moving towards accomplishing that one strategic objective. This process will provide you with a blueprint of what it takes and how to go about achieving a goal.

3. Check in with your team. Create time to get feedback from your team about any challenges they experienced in the last quarter and what help they may need going forward. This is your opportunity to see different perspectives. At the end of each quarter, while you reflect, identify the wins and celebrate them with your team.

Like a painting, this is the process to your business masterpiece!

Your best is yet to come!


I’m Nadine Seaga and I’m a Mindset & Leadership Coach, Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants. I can help you to harness your full potential and the full potential of those you lead! Check out my website at for more information or shoot me an email at to connect and get started on this life-changing work.