Happiness In The Workplace

I recently conducted a workshop for middle managers and the attendees raised the issue about lack of engagement and whose responsibility it was to ensure that staff members are engaged. They went on to share how less than ideal their workplace was; how under-staffed the company was and how stretched they felt. They also lamented about how some of the other staff under-performed and ultimately how much better they would perform if they had the ideal amount of resources – the right people, the best technology and other equipment, plus more pay.

At that point I asked one question…If you had all the resources needed, exactly as you are requesting, why would the organization need you?

My question was greeted with silence for what seemed to be about forty seconds, when what I was asking sank in a little further. Some persons were squirming a bit in their chairs, others avoided my eyes. I asked again, isn’t it in these less than ideal situations that you get the opportunity to show your value?  I went on to suggest that they were responsible for their own engagement and, further, their own happiness in the workplace.

How much time do you think is spent by each person gossiping, blaming, venting, measuring, keeping score of how much work is done by some vs others, resisting or avoiding change, not aligning with your organization, staying silent and not participating? I refer to all of this as drama.

I encouraged them to think about how they were thinking and what benefits they were getting by giving away their power over their own thoughts to others. I put to them that the reason for the drama has little to do with facts and more to do with the story that they told themselves.

What does this kind of drama cost?

It costs time

It costs productivity

It costs profits

It costs your energy

It costs you feeling a sense of purpose

It costs creativity

It costs being innovative

It costs your happiness

 If this is what’s taking place in your organization, re-direct this energy by asking a few key questions:

What is true?

What can you/I do to help?

What would great look like?

Cheers to a drama free workplace filled with happy people.

Nadine Burrowes-Seaga is a certified Life & Leadership Coach, Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants.

Nadine Seaga