Building An Inclusive Work Culture

There are three very important dynamics that support the foundation and make up the very tenets of teamwork within any group or organization; they are Coordination, Cooperation and Collaboration. If achieved, the collective mindset is transformed from simple compliance to deep commitment.

Consider this: an ant, in its quest to salvage food for the colony, through sheer determination and just a fragment of strength, can painstakingly lift and carry a single crumb twice its size. The colony, realizing the importance of ‘the collective’ in reaching its goal, employs their communal efforts to achieve their objectives

The culture of the ants is how they survive. Creating a culture of collaboration, cooperation and coordination within an organization is simple, but not easy. Our survival as well as our desire to thrive and succeed in our businesses will require some changes in our approach to one that resembles the ants.

The Role of Leadership

Having appreciated the gifts of this kind of culture, the leader must be deliberate and intentional in living, being and supporting the attitudes and behaviours that deliver the desired results. Equally, the leader must be confident, purposeful and vigilant in acknowledging and rooting out dissenting behaviours, those that promote silos and discourage collaboration, cooperation and coordination.

Steps To Take:

  1. Acknowledge and address existing or possible obstacles to collaboration, especially if the obstacles lay within the Leadership team;

  2. Be open to new and different ideas from all levels within your organization, as a matter of fact, create an environment to encourage it;

  3. Take ownership of decisions and outcomes.

An organization with an inclusive culture enables and supports an environment of trust, respect and inter-dependence. Keys to success in business.

Cheers to an inclusive workplace!

Nadine Burrowes-Seaga is a Life & Leadership Coach and the Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants.