Leadership Takes Energy!

Everything is energy and Great Leadership requires Great energy. People in positions of leadership sometimes struggle to achieve their desired leadership results because the quality and level of their energy is simply not aligned with their ambitions.

Our ability to perform at a high level both personally and professionally – to tap into our full potential, to inspire our teams, our families and the people around us to do the same, will require us to understand how and why we consciously and unconsciously respond and/or react to the world and instead to choose how we respond while freeing ourselves from any and all attachment to the outcome.   

Our energy is subconsciously developed and displayed through our emotional responses to the circumstances or situations that we find ourselves facing on a daily basis. These responses affect how we show up in life; our attitude towards our respective roles and other people.

Measuring and Managing Our Energy

We can all think of someone in our personal life or workplace who is infamous for having a negative disposition, someone who is quick to point out what can’t happen. Consider how this person’s mood and general attitude impacts you or the people around them. Are you comfortable? Does it bring out the best in you? Do you want to stick around? Do you become miserable by just interacting with them? Likewise, we can think of someone who exudes a more dynamic outlook on life, is focused and purposeful, speaks from a place of desire rather than desperation, sees possibilities and opportunities everywhere – I can bet that this person’s approach to life fosters a more impactful environment that brings out the best in you and those around her.

As leaders, the standard that we set and hold for ourselves creates an energetic momentum that trickles down and is reflected in our teams and the results we get from our endeavours.

Level 1 – Victim – This is the lowest form of destructive energy, where leaders largely operate with a ‘victim mentality’. They generally work in “crisis” mode and take things personally.

Level 2 – Conflict – This catabolic energy level is displayed by leaders who largely operate with anger, defiance, judgement and combativeness. They blame others and think their way is the right way

Level 3 – Responsibility – The core characteristics of this energy level is identified by the leader’s willingness to show forgiveness, accountability and cooperation. They would like to see a win-win, but if nothing else, they MUST win.

Level 4 – Concern – Leaders at this level operate from a place of empathy, compassion, warmth and they value service to others. They lead with heart first and care more about the well-being of others.

Level 5 – Reconciliation – Harmony and cooperation are the core characteristics of leaders who operate at this anabolic energy level. They see opportunities everywhere and are truly interested in a win-win situation.

Level 6 – Synthesis – At this level, individuals operate as visionaries in their personal and professional lives. These individuals are deeply intuitive and help others see their full potential.

Level 7 – Non-Judgement – This is the highest level of anabolic energy wherein a leader displays absolute passion and is non-judgemental. When you tap into this level, you are both a participant and an observer at the same time.

How would you rate your level of energy, from one (1) to seven (7)? Is that level serving you and your team?


Nadine Burrowes-Seaga is a Life & Leadership Coach and the Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants.



Nadine Seaga