Time to Take Action

I’m staying on my time management theme, because I know that too many of us haven’t started yet. You’re thinking about what you are going to do, you’re talking about what you plan to do and you probably are organizing yourself to do what you say you’re going to do But, you haven’t started. As a matter of fact, you are busy thinking, talking and organizing. Here is what you are actually doing, you are skirting the edges of action. I know this too well because I spent sometime right here, right where you are…in busying going nowhere.

Here’s how to recognize it.

When you find yourself moving and doing things without a specific or clear outcome, even if you become aware of the outcome, it would not be significant or important in getting you to your desired goal. This often occurs when we believe we are unable to do the work required, when we are unmotivated, experiencing self-doubt, believing that we cannot live up to other people’s expectations of us, getting stuck in the past (thinking of what we did well and can’t repeat or what we failed at before and don’t want to repeat)

Some of the activities we busy ourselves with are:

1.       Researching. Spending hours upon days researching and getting side-tracked by distractions that pop-up online.

2.       Organizing.  Shuffling paper and putting stuff away creating space that never seems ideal and needing more “Things” or needing to put away more “things” before starting.

3.       Planning. We think about how we are going to get all the things done before we need to and get caught in anxiety and worry. We get to how before we even complete what and why.   

4.       Watching TV. Telling ourselves that we are educating ourselves on news, stock market, how-to-do shows, etc. instead of what is really happening which is entertaining ourselves.

None of these activities will get you what you ultimately want. The ONLY way out is through.

-          Not Stalling

-          Not Stopping

-          Not Sabotaging

Here are some ideas to get into action NOW.   

1.       Ink it, don’t just think it (write down your goal or objective)

2.       Create 3 buckets to fill with Gold (Write 3 main ideas that once done will get you your Goal)

3.       Write the activities required for each bucket to be completed.

4.       Put them in order of priority (re-align weekly)

5.       Schedule them in your calendar and do them

These small steps are so much easier to take action on and as you take them and start to see results, celebrate these small wins. It is the emotions that you create that will fuel the desire to keep going and it is this continued motion that lead you to have bigger wins to celebrate.

I have learnt that the “Enemy” of my success, that ends up keeping me stuck and in-active, and away from what I want, is, in most cases, the “InnerMe”. The habits of believing that inner voice of self-doubt, conflict, fear, anxiety and worry and the way through it, is taking massive action. Massive action is simply, taking action until you get your desired results.

Start taking action today. Now!

I’m Nadine Seaga and I’m a life and leadership coach, Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants.

Visit my website at pdconsults.com for more information.