Posts in Self-help
The Silent Struggle: Understanding and Overcoming Executive Burnout

Sarah's journey through silent burnout serves as a crucial reminder for managers everywhere. Dive into the hidden struggles and their ripple effects on work and home life

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The # 1 Skill you Need to Get Promoted!

The pandemic saw unprecedented impact among the workforce, prompting leaders to change their approach and redefine their role. They realize the need for a more dynamic approach: the need to influence others through their character (how they are being), not only through their competence, (what they are doing).

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The Most Successful Leaders Are the Ones That Show Emotion

Emotions often get a bad rap. Because of statements like: “Stop being so emotional”, “Leave your emotions at the door”, or “Showing your emotions makes you look weak”.

It’s no surprise then that leaders believe they shouldn’t show their emotions and if they show their emotions, it’s something they need to “fix”.

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3 Essential Leadership Qualities That Make You A Bad A** Boss Leader

Being a Bad A** Boss Leader is simple but not easy. It requires training, coaching, and introspective work to build and maintain the necessary skillsets for the role.

A Bad A** Boss Leader leads from the comfort of herself while getting done what must be done. She is relentlessly optimistic and creates a future that delights all her stakeholders. She uses all the tools and skills in her leadership toolkit to inspire buy-in and navigate the many challenges she experiences along the way to improving productivity and profitability in her organization.

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Time To Reclaim Your Vision, Get Mental Clarity And Become The Bad A** Boss Leader You Are Meant To Be

You may have some idea or even a dream of what you’d like your life to look like, but none of the building blocks seems to be falling into place. Overtime, life gets in the way and before you know it, you’re living a life that looks nothing like your dream. Sure, you have the title, the position and you have the trappings of success, but you don’t feel the way you thought you would. But by now, you also don’t want to lose what you have, so you’re not rocking the boat.

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Conquer Your Gremlin And Overcome Imposter Syndrome For Good

Many senior managers and CEO’s experience this phenomenon. Interestingly, it plagues high performers! The reason for this is because your current life is so different from your childhood life and it’s difficult for you to believe and accept that you did it! It’s like… you haven’t caught up with YOU…

It’s called imposter syndrome.

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How To Use Self-Talk To Get The Results You Want

What we tell ourselves everyday matters. Whether positive or negative, our thoughts about ourselves create our emotions that drive our actions that produce results and ultimately, the life we lead. How we identify ourselves can help us to actualize our potential and give us the opportunity to live the life we want. So, when it comes to work-related or other life situations, what we say to ourselves is relevant.

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How To Avoid Leadership Burnout in 2022

Organizations require managers to manage systems and processes but also to develop and lead their teams. Both roles require specific skills and being able to adjust and balance between the two, is an art. Ensuring regulations are adhered to, data is accurate, and productivity is on-track are just some of the critical management components while being an inspiration to your team, seeing the potential in your people and creating the environment for them to realize it are just some of the skills needed to lead. These performance expectations often result in managers feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, especially when they haven’t received the requisite training and development or coaching.

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Remove The Stress Around Having Difficult Conversations

Many managers find it hard to have difficult conversations. Conversations such as: poor performance, especially when it is repetitive, inappropriate behaviour in the workplace and terminating employment.

These are even more challenging when these conversations are fueled by feelings of frustration and thoughts such as “I have had enough” or “I’m fed up”. When you think this, you are already sending messages to yourself that makes you feel exasperated and perhaps impatient.

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Secrets Revealed: How best to achieve your 2022 goals

Year after year, you set your goal whether it’s a business, professional or personal goal, the year ends, and you don’t achieve it. Only to start over again the next year.

It’s probably one of these reasons…

You don’t know exactly what you want, it’s all very vague in your head or You don’t believe you can achieve it

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How to Auto-Suggest Your Way To Success?

Auto- suggestion is an influencing of one’s own attitudes, behaviours, or physical condition by mental processes other than conscious thought. Most of us are experiencing this type of self-hypnosis already ….. unintentionally. Saying, thinking and seeing the same thing over and over again. These thoughts eventually move from the conscious to the unconscious and that’s when they become habits

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Why Self-Worth is Critical to Successful Leadership?

Self-worth is understanding yourself, accepting yourself, feeling good about yourself, that you see yourself as important and that you love yourself exactly as you are, without any influence from outside of you. It is wrapped up in a knowing that as a human being, without doing anything at all, you are worthy. It has no relation to any job, achievement, nor to any success or failure you experience.

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Are you Wasting or Creating Time?

When you find yourself in the horrible cycle of procrastination, consider deliberately creating a short time-frame for yourself and work fast to complete it within that time. You will discover that there isn’t room to feel stressed or distracted when you are working fast nor is there time to produce “perfect” A+ work. B- will do. A+ is only in your mind anyway, and better to have complete work than no work.

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