Posts tagged coaching
The Most Successful Leaders Are the Ones That Show Emotion

Emotions often get a bad rap. Because of statements like: “Stop being so emotional”, “Leave your emotions at the door”, or “Showing your emotions makes you look weak”.

It’s no surprise then that leaders believe they shouldn’t show their emotions and if they show their emotions, it’s something they need to “fix”.

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Time To Reclaim Your Vision, Get Mental Clarity And Become The Bad A** Boss Leader You Are Meant To Be

You may have some idea or even a dream of what you’d like your life to look like, but none of the building blocks seems to be falling into place. Overtime, life gets in the way and before you know it, you’re living a life that looks nothing like your dream. Sure, you have the title, the position and you have the trappings of success, but you don’t feel the way you thought you would. But by now, you also don’t want to lose what you have, so you’re not rocking the boat.

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How To Stop Being Busy And Become A More Productive Leader

Some of the leaders I coach say that on any given day, they spend less than half of their time on work in their genius zone. Instead, they find themselves busy outing fire after fire, playing catch-up with over-due tasks and report feelings of burnout and other health concerns. All of which compromises their overall effectiveness and ultimately, their true potential.

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How to Auto-Suggest Your Way To Success?

Auto- suggestion is an influencing of one’s own attitudes, behaviours, or physical condition by mental processes other than conscious thought. Most of us are experiencing this type of self-hypnosis already ….. unintentionally. Saying, thinking and seeing the same thing over and over again. These thoughts eventually move from the conscious to the unconscious and that’s when they become habits

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Boost Your Organization’s Immune System

Is your team optimized for success, or is it prone to succumb to the disease of toxic undercurrents within it?

Science describes the human immune system as a network of cells and organs which come together to protect the body and help to keep an individual healthy. The wellbeing of an organization, much like the human body, also requires an internal defense system to detect, combat and find solutions for harmful pathogens that threaten to compromise its operations.

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Fly High or Fly Low.

Most workplaces have beautifully framed messages in the foyer area, some even go as far as placing them all over the workspace and personally, it’s always a pleasure to read them. These messages; the company’s mission, vision, purpose, creed, tagline, mantra, customer promise, etc. describe what they stand for and what the public can expect from them.

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