Fly High or Fly Low.


Most workplaces have beautifully framed messages in the foyer area, some even go as far as placing them all over the workspace and personally, it’s always a pleasure to read them. These messages; the company’s mission, vision, purpose, creed, tagline, mantra, customer promise, etc. describe what they stand for and what the public can expect from them.

The words and statements that they often use to communicate their intentions about what you can expect to include: Convenience/Delivering Excellence/Improving lives/Quality products and services/Creating value/Family values, etc.

Which all sound beautiful, except what do these words mean in the context of the departments and the staff perspective? Until clarity around that is achieved and alignment is created around behaviors that will support the words and the intent, then the words will just be that. Words.

Organizations focused on hiring for values have a clearer path on delivering their promises and creating the right culture to deliver it. the possibility of reaching the objectives increase significantly when these are combined with rewarding behaviors that align with the values.

Cultural fit — not the time and cost to hire for a role — is one of the most important recruitment factors, according to a study done in the Netherlands by a recruitment company. and nine out of 10 have reported passing on applicants who didn’t feel aligned with their companies’ cultures.

It's quite difficult to teach someone to align with your company values, you can provide them with tools and resources to improve their job performance, however, to find employees who value people, understand your customer's priorities, and work well with others, that's a another premise. 

Tip: Hire staff only after you have a situational interview. This will give you additional insight into whether your new hire is a good fit for your organization.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can select the right players for your team, give us a call shoot us an email to