“Human-ness” is still en-vogue.


We are facing a crisis in the workplace where employees are showing up for work but lack team spirit, engagement and are unprepared to lift a finger without the exchange of the dollar.

Let’s be honest about how we got here…

Who asked them to leave their problems at the door?

Who told them nobody was interested in their feelings? 

Who suggested that it was of no importance what issues they had with either their co-workers or team leaders as long as they did what they were being paid for?

After years of that kind of messaging, both directly and indirectly, we now are faced with a workforce that is doing exactly that…leaving their feelings at the door and doing as little as possible to keep their jobs.

We have a workforce that brings their arms and legs to work but very little in the area of heads and hearts.

by acknowledging our own human-ness, we can better relate to others. For instance, practicing self-compassion—which, at its core, is about embracing our human-ness—helps us practice compassion with others. In knowing our human limitations and strengths, we can forge healthier relationships—professionally and personally.

How does one start to create a human-focused workplace? At its essence, recognition is the foundational element to infusing humanity into the workplace. There are two words capable of creating and sustaining as human-centric workplace built upon a culture of trust and employee well-being. it all begins with “Thank you.” Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs tells us that people are motivated by a sense of belonging, esteem, and validation. By giving and receiving recognition, these needs can be met in the workplace.

Here are more tips to improve our connection with our team members.

1. Share with your team some of your own personal struggles. This way they see you as more than a boss, a manager or a co-worker.

2. Include your teams in the decision making process. Usually, they provide another perspective.

3. Acknowledge what your team members are doing well and tie these behaviors to the business objectives.

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