Posts tagged leadership
How to Auto-Suggest Your Way To Success?

Auto- suggestion is an influencing of one’s own attitudes, behaviours, or physical condition by mental processes other than conscious thought. Most of us are experiencing this type of self-hypnosis already ….. unintentionally. Saying, thinking and seeing the same thing over and over again. These thoughts eventually move from the conscious to the unconscious and that’s when they become habits

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Leading In A Crisis

This is a very challenging time for everyone. The challenge that organizational leaders face is maintaining confidence in and among their teams in the midst of so much uncertainty and absolutely no precedence to reference as a result of the coronavirus.

What our leaders do at this time will determine how successfully we come through this crisis and how they communicate with their people will determine the quality of the community that emerges.

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Signs That Your Company Culture Is Rotting

A rotting culture exists where a company is suppressive and dismissive of its employees, displays bad business practices and poor leadership. The culture of your organization, therefore, can contribute greatly to its success or failure. Leaders must be vigilant in identifying symptoms of rotting culture within their organization in order to allow a positive working environment to blossom.

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