Posts tagged coronavirus
5 Leadership Skills To Make You A Great Leader

There is a worldwide call for leadership right now, particularly, amidst the confusion and upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. People are becoming more in-tune with and aware of the efforts being made by their religious leaders, employers, supervisors, politicians and even themselves as leaders of their own lives and their ability to lead their households.

Leadership is about directing, guiding and influencing others to use their maximum effort towards a particular goal. It is ALL about ‘people’ and people are dynamic.

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Looking After Your Mental Health During the Coronavirus

This lengthy period of social distancing is leading to increased feelings of anxiety, stress and even depression. Many of us are, understandably, fearful for ourselves and our loved ones getting ill, we fear losing our livelihood and we are anxious about the financial and operational implications of the virus on our businesses and our households.

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Leading In A Crisis

This is a very challenging time for everyone. The challenge that organizational leaders face is maintaining confidence in and among their teams in the midst of so much uncertainty and absolutely no precedence to reference as a result of the coronavirus.

What our leaders do at this time will determine how successfully we come through this crisis and how they communicate with their people will determine the quality of the community that emerges.

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