Looking After Your Mental Health During the Coronavirus

This lengthy period of social distancing is leading to increased feelings of anxiety, stress and even depression. Many of us are, understandably, fearful for ourselves and our loved ones getting ill, we fear losing our livelihood and we are anxious about the financial and operational implications of the virus on our businesses and our households.

As a result of this, it important for us to seek ways to build up our mental fortitude, so that we are able to maintain productivity, lead effectively and coach our teams through this unusually challenging time.

Here are some very useful tips on how to look after your mental health, especially, during the coronavirus crisis:

  • Use Facts To Minimize Fears

In a recent live series I did on Instagram and Facebook about achieving clarity and calm in this crisis, I expressed the importance of not allowing “what ifs” to affect our outlook.

Tip: Avoid over-consuming information.  Limit your consumption of news about COVID-19 to fact-based information from reputable or trusted sources and consider scheduling this at specific times during the day, so that you can continue to take appropriate actions for yourself, your loved ones and your businesses. This can go a long way in helping you to avoid rumours and misinformation that may cause you unnecessary stress and anxiety.

  • Check-in With Your Feelings Regularly

Showing mental strength does not mean that we should avoid or ignore our emotions. It means that we are able to recognize when some of our emotions are not serving us well and take the necessary healthy steps to shift it to something more supportive.

Tip: Think about how you are feeling in the moment, name the emotion and observe your thoughts to determine why you are possibly feeling that way. The body often gives clues to your mental state; are you fatigued, tense, slouchy or pained? Take a moment to capture how you feel, then ask yourself the necessary questions to assess what thoughts contribute to this state.

  • Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude requires us taking time to recognize and reflect on things we are thankful for. Putting this into practice everyday will allow us to focus on what we do have rather than what we don’t. from the negative to the positive.

Tip: Take the opportunity to help someone in need or simply be kind to someone else. Expressing compassion and kindness can help not only the person it’s directed at but also the person offering it.

As leaders, we can use these tips and tools for ourselves and as a resource to coach our teams who may be struggling to maintain a sense of calm and clarity during the chaos.

As a Life & Leadership Coach and Change Management Specialist, I am doing my part to help leaders guide their teams through this crisis. I am offering a FREE 1-on-1 coaching session for leaders and their teams – to help navigate difficult issues that arise as a result of the coronavirus. Email me at nadine@pdconsults.com to schedule your session. This work is going to change your life and the lives of those you lead.


Nadine Burrowes-Seaga is a Life & Leadership Coach, Change Management Specialist and the Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants.