Posts tagged anxiety
Conquer Your Gremlin And Overcome Imposter Syndrome For Good

Many senior managers and CEO’s experience this phenomenon. Interestingly, it plagues high performers! The reason for this is because your current life is so different from your childhood life and it’s difficult for you to believe and accept that you did it! It’s like… you haven’t caught up with YOU…

It’s called imposter syndrome.

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Remove The Stress Around Having Difficult Conversations

Many managers find it hard to have difficult conversations. Conversations such as: poor performance, especially when it is repetitive, inappropriate behaviour in the workplace and terminating employment.

These are even more challenging when these conversations are fueled by feelings of frustration and thoughts such as “I have had enough” or “I’m fed up”. When you think this, you are already sending messages to yourself that makes you feel exasperated and perhaps impatient.

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Looking After Your Mental Health During the Coronavirus

This lengthy period of social distancing is leading to increased feelings of anxiety, stress and even depression. Many of us are, understandably, fearful for ourselves and our loved ones getting ill, we fear losing our livelihood and we are anxious about the financial and operational implications of the virus on our businesses and our households.

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