Posts in humans
The # 1 Skill you Need to Get Promoted!

The pandemic saw unprecedented impact among the workforce, prompting leaders to change their approach and redefine their role. They realize the need for a more dynamic approach: the need to influence others through their character (how they are being), not only through their competence, (what they are doing).

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Conquer Your Gremlin And Overcome Imposter Syndrome For Good

Many senior managers and CEO’s experience this phenomenon. Interestingly, it plagues high performers! The reason for this is because your current life is so different from your childhood life and it’s difficult for you to believe and accept that you did it! It’s like… you haven’t caught up with YOU…

It’s called imposter syndrome.

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How To Avoid Leadership Burnout in 2022

Organizations require managers to manage systems and processes but also to develop and lead their teams. Both roles require specific skills and being able to adjust and balance between the two, is an art. Ensuring regulations are adhered to, data is accurate, and productivity is on-track are just some of the critical management components while being an inspiration to your team, seeing the potential in your people and creating the environment for them to realize it are just some of the skills needed to lead. These performance expectations often result in managers feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, especially when they haven’t received the requisite training and development or coaching.

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How to Develop the Mindsets for Successful Leadership

The leadership mindset is one of the most important, least understood and the most neglected element in the growth of a leader. Many senior leaders today grew up in a world where focus was on operational efficiencies and product innovation, this then shaped their careers and determined their values and attitudes. But today, it’s all about changing strategies, coming up with new business models and transforming your operations.

The goal is to do it faster, easier, cheaper and bigger.

If you are stuck in the old mindset that you started out your career with, you are going to struggle in the new business world.

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