The # 1 Skill you Need to Get Promoted!

Successful job interview for management promotion position

The pandemic saw unprecedented impact among the workforce, prompting leaders to change their approach and redefine their role. They realize the need for a more dynamic approach: the need to influence others through their character (how they are being), not only through their competence, (what they are doing).

 Sure, you have the technical skills and the position for getting the job done – but the past two (2) years have highlighted that skills alone were not enough to get you the results you are after.

 Most of the executives I coach say that while facing the crisis, they were required to do things different just to get the same results:

  • Stay connected to team members

  • Provide effective feedback for improvement

  • Stay focused on both the big and small goals

  • Remain in alignment with the leadership team

 Emotional Intelligence

Those who came through “thriving” understood the value of leading with EI!

 Emotional Intelligence is the ability to:

  • understand,

  • manage, and

  • express

your emotions and help others do the same.

When you develop your EI and apply it, it impacts and improves:

  • Your relationship with yourself

  • Your relationship with your family, peers and direct reports

  • It improves your ability to decrease stress in all areas of your life

  • It improves your ability to demonstrate greater leadership

  • It improves your decision-making skills.

  • It improves your general inter-personal skills

  • It improves your ability to have more positive experiences in your life

When EI is not well developed, these occur:

  • Poor Communication. Being constantly and/or consistently misunderstood

  • Poor Collaboration. Being at odds and clashing with others and having little support

  • Poor Culture. Being unable to positively align behaviours with objectives

And you run the risk of:

  • Low employee engagement,

  • Increased staff turnover, or worse, they stay but are checked out

  • Poor productivity

This is why the most effective, Bad A** Boss Leaders consider emotional intelligence a critical skill to develop. Some people naturally possess more emotional intelligence than others, but like any skill, emotional intelligence can be improved by putting in the work. 

Are you ready to make the move to get started on this life-changing work, to increase your leadership potential achieve Bad A** Boss Leader status? Book a free Clarity Call with me, so we can:  

  • Pinpoint your specific goals

  • Understand exactly why you aren’t there yet

  • ​Agree on what’s required to get there

  • Be clear about what to do in the next 30 days…

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I’m Nadine Seaga and I’m a Mindset & Leadership Coach, Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants. I can help you to harness your full potential and the full potential of those you lead! Schedule your Clarity Call here.