Leading In A Crisis

This is a very challenging time for everyone. The challenge that organizational leaders face is maintaining confidence in and among their teams in the midst of so much uncertainty and absolutely no precedence to reference as a result of the coronavirus. 

With many employees now working from home and, some business functions halted, leaders and their employees are now negotiating challenges that they have never before faced. In situations like these, society requires its leaders to exemplify confidence, even though they may feel quite vulnerable. 

What our leaders do at this time will determine how successfully we come through this crisis and how they communicate with their people will determine the quality of the community that emerges. 

Here are two (2) very important considerations for leading effectively in times of crisis: 

  • Communicate Clearly and Frequently

You cannot overcommunicate in a crisis. It is extremely important for leaders to constantly and effectively communicate with their internal and external stakeholders, i.e: staff, investors, clients, customers and sometimes the media. Whatever your position of leadership, you have stakeholders. Ascertain each day what they need to know and ensure that you use the most appropriate medium to deliver these messages. Persistent engagement fosters a sense of clarity, transparency and avoids misinformation and confusion. 

  • Practice Empathy

In a time like this maintaining morale among your entire team, encouraging safety and self-care practices are important responsibilities that highly successful leaders value and demonstrate themselves. Understanding that this crisis can have negative impact on their employees overall health and well-being, they provide and equip them with a variety of resources, tools and strategies to help them to navigate and address stress, anxiety and other debilitating emotions that come with uncertainty and fear. They communicate to their employees in ways and means that they are their top priority. 

It is expected that every leader will face crises or challenges in some form during their tenure. They will not be able to predict every one or dictate the circumstances surrounding them, but it is imperative that they equip themselves with the tools, through life and leadership coaching, to best support their teams in effectively navigating them – to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Email me at info@pdconsults.com for a FREE 1-on-1 coaching session, to help you gain clarity and calm for these troubling times. This work is going to change your life and the lives of those you lead.


Nadine Burrowes-Seaga is a Life & Leadership Coach and the Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants.