Boost Your Organization’s Immune System

Is your team optimized for success, or is it prone to succumb to the disease of toxic undercurrents within it?

Science describes the human immune system as a network of cells and organs which come together to protect the body and help to keep an individual healthy. The wellbeing of an organization, much like the human body, also requires an internal defense system to detect, combat and find solutions for harmful pathogens that threaten to compromise its operations.

What comprises the immune system of a company? Coaches, team leaders and CEOs are some of the key players in establishing and enforcing the processes that work to keep the workplace healthy. They ensure that their teams are aptly developed to operate at an optimal level, they promote the culture of the organization and they see to the overall wellbeing of their team members.

As key players within an organization, leaders at all levels sometimes fail or fall short where this is concerned; leading to a toxic work environment with unengaged employees.

Boost the immune system of your organization:

§  Encourage Feedback

Learning to give and receive constructive feedback encourages learning and growth among team members. It provides the entire team an opportunity to become aware of and address the problems that may exist while fostering a sense of safety, transparency and trust.

§  Utilize Collaboration

Establishing and maintaining a culture of collaboration within and among teams ensures that ideas remain diverse and that there is collective buy-in from employees to the organization’s mission, vision and goals.

§  Get Coaching

Leadership coaching is a powerful tool for impacting an organization and can be your secret weapon. The performance of leadership has the greatest impact on the performance of an organization, so the development of its leaders through coaching can help to expand their capacity to effectively engage, influence, align and motivate themselves and their teams –  ultimately benefiting  the organization.

Email me at and sign up to receive news and updates about my highly anticipated Level Up Leadership online programme, starting in June (2020). Get ready, this work is going to change your life and the lives of those you lead!


Nadine Burrowes-Seaga is a Life & Leadership Coach and the Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants.