How to Auto-Suggest Your Way To Success?

For so much of my life, I’ve heard things like “Life is what you make it” “If you think it, you can achieve it” “It is what it is, but it will be what you make it” “you learn more from failure than from success” “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of your today”


The challenge for so many people is that their current situation is so over whelming and that cycle of overwhelm keeps them rooted where they are, unable to come up for air, unable to see another possibility.

They end up just trying to get by, just surviving.   

I had the great fortune of being exposed to speakers like Les Brown and Dr Ben Carson in my early 20’s and read books like Napoleon Hill’s - Think and Grow Rich in my late teens, which I believe changed the trajectory of my life. This is where I first learnt about and understood Auto-Suggestion and its power.

Hill wrote that auto suggestion is one of 13 principles of success.

What Exactly is Auto Suggestion?

Auto- suggestion is an influencing of one’s own attitudes, behaviours, or physical condition by mental processes other than conscious thought.


It is a type of Self-Hypnosis.

Most of us are experiencing this type of self-hypnosis already ….. unintentionally. Saying, thinking and seeing the same thing over and over again. These thoughts eventually move from the conscious to the unconscious and that’s when they become habits. We no longer give any thought to them, we just act on them. Those habits begin to run our lives.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” - Carl Jung

Think about this… “Good habits are hard to form and easy to break AND bad habits are easy to form and hard to break”. You get to chose.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, if you are feeling stuck, if you have a dream of living a different life from your current situation, know that today is the ideal day  to make a change.To chose something different.

Here are 5 ways to start the process of Auto-Suggestion.

1.   Think about the goal of your life, what you want in your life. I like to think about it in terms of “what am I trading my life for?”

2.   Become aware of what you are seeing and hearing. Guard your entry points to your mind (eyes and ears) by being deliberate in what you take in.


3.   Investigate your daily habits. What got you here, won’t get you there.

4.   Kill the Automatic Negative Talk (Ants) and eat the Pie. Create a planned response for that negative voice in your head. Start the day with positive thoughts and think optimistically.

5.   Each time throughout the day you find yourself getting into the ant’s nest. Go back to that goal, that intention.

8 steps to writing your own auto suggestion script.

1.   Write it like it has happened

2.   Use emotive words that will impact you when you read it

3.   Be specific about what you want to achieve (money + outcome)

4.   Get clear about what you are going to do in exchange for this outcome.

5.   Give more than you get (whatever you charge, give more than people expect to pay)

6.   Ensure that you include what your focus is for this exchange for eg serving your clients highest needs)

7.   Use your own words to speak about how grateful you are to be getting to do this service and receiving this money

8.   Talk about how committed you are to continuing to bring this success / abundance into your life

 Put this somewhere where you can read it and say it every morning and night. Until you memorize it

I’m Nadine Seaga and I’m a Life & Leadership Coach, Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants. I can help you to harness your full potential and the full potential of your most valuable asset! Check out more of my website here at for more information or shoot me an email at to connect and get started on this life-changing work.