Secrets Revealed: How best to achieve your 2022 goals

It’s more than a month into the new year and it’s likely that the flavour of the new year’s resolution has begun to wane.

This year can be different

Year after year, you set your goal whether it’s a business, professional or personal goal, the year ends, and you don’t achieve it. Only to start over again the next year.

It’s probably one of these reasons:

  • You don’t know exactly what you want, it’s all very vague in your head

  • What you say you want is not what you really want 

  • You don’t believe you can achieve it and you ultimately prove yourself right

  • You don’t create a plan that has a step-by-step strategy to getting your results.

Here’s a way to get and stay on track…

A Vision Board

This is a visual and physical representation of your goals. It’s a collection of images and words that inspire your thoughts, feelings and ultimately actions. 

Why a vision board?

The brain needs a target. Creating your vision board and placing it where you can see it and interact with it daily can affirm and reinforce your desire for achieving your goal. 

The process of creating a vision board requires you to consciously choose something specific to work towards; for eg saying you want money is likely to result in you walking outside and looking down and finding 10 cent on the ground. That’s money!

Now, if you said you wanted 10 million dollars, the brain would also start the process of figuring out what to do to make that happen. The vision board would likely have an image of some cash with big bold 10M on it and a “by when” date beside it. 

Secrets to the best, most impactful boards

To get started, imagine you are at the end of your life looking back over your life, what would you regret not going after or achieving? Think about what you want, not what anybody else thinks you should have. Next, answer the question, why do I want to achieve it?

  1. Use images and words (you can create/write your own) that inspire YOU

  2. Add items on your board that invoke all your senses, e.g. a sample of fabric for your new car or a scent of coffee or flowers that will be in your new office or home

  3. Expect and plan for obstacles and distractions 

  4. Create a loving line that you can believe and say to yourself to get you back on track if you stall

  5. Be flexible. Keep fine-tuning your board

  6. Track your progress against your plan daily

  7. Build integrity with yourself by doing exactly what you say you will

  8. Imagine that you already achieved it and live each day as if you have

  9. Break down your big goal into quarterly goals and include these on your board.

  10. Extend compassion to yourself and celebrate the small wins

I’m Nadine Seaga and I’m a Mindset & Leadership Coach, Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants. I can help you to harness your full potential and the full potential of those you lead! Check out my website for more information or shoot me an email at to connect and get started on this life-changing work.