Posts tagged goal-setting
Secrets Revealed: How best to achieve your 2022 goals

Year after year, you set your goal whether it’s a business, professional or personal goal, the year ends, and you don’t achieve it. Only to start over again the next year.

It’s probably one of these reasons…

You don’t know exactly what you want, it’s all very vague in your head or You don’t believe you can achieve it

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Are you Wasting or Creating Time?

When you find yourself in the horrible cycle of procrastination, consider deliberately creating a short time-frame for yourself and work fast to complete it within that time. You will discover that there isn’t room to feel stressed or distracted when you are working fast nor is there time to produce “perfect” A+ work. B- will do. A+ is only in your mind anyway, and better to have complete work than no work.

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