Posts in Burnout
The Silent Struggle: Understanding and Overcoming Executive Burnout

Sarah's journey through silent burnout serves as a crucial reminder for managers everywhere. Dive into the hidden struggles and their ripple effects on work and home life

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Time To Reclaim Your Vision, Get Mental Clarity And Become The Bad A** Boss Leader You Are Meant To Be

You may have some idea or even a dream of what you’d like your life to look like, but none of the building blocks seems to be falling into place. Overtime, life gets in the way and before you know it, you’re living a life that looks nothing like your dream. Sure, you have the title, the position and you have the trappings of success, but you don’t feel the way you thought you would. But by now, you also don’t want to lose what you have, so you’re not rocking the boat.

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How To Stop Being Busy And Become A More Productive Leader

Some of the leaders I coach say that on any given day, they spend less than half of their time on work in their genius zone. Instead, they find themselves busy outing fire after fire, playing catch-up with over-due tasks and report feelings of burnout and other health concerns. All of which compromises their overall effectiveness and ultimately, their true potential.

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