How to be the calm in the middle of the hurricane?


We are in the middle of Covid, millions of people have become sick with Covid, many have lost their lives, businesses have closed; maybe never to re-open, some have downsized. People have lost their jobs, and some have had their pay cut. People have lost millions, maybe billions. Many are having the worst year ever. While all that is happening, this is also happening…people have started businesses, others have re-shaped their business model, some are employing more people, babies have been born, individuals are offering services that before had not existed. Many have made millions, maybe billions. Many are having the best year ever.

What is the difference between these 2 situations?

Nothing. The difference is not the situation, the difference is the perspective. What lens are you seeing the situation through?

Some people have chosen to focus on opportunities, they recognize and believe that opportunities always exist, no matter the situation; they are like radio stations who are tuned to the frequency of opportunity, possibility and abundance and as a result they not only see it, but they attract it to them. Others are tuned in to problems, scarcity and disaster and they like their counterpart, see it everywhere and attract it to them, they surround themselves with people who want to talk about all the things going “wrong” in the world.


In cricket, they say you’re seeing the ball big. The things that you are focused on are the things you see big. Have you noticed how some people know every minute detail about everything to do with Covid or any other “disaster” in the world? They tune in to every discussion about it, they know how many people it has affected, all from the perspectives of what’s gone wrong. While others are aware and do what they must to stay safe, they are calm and their focus is on how can they help to make this right for as many people as possible.  Where are the gaps and what can they create, how can they and others grow, what services can they offer, what skillsets will they need, how can they and others not only survive, but thrive.

What does it take to make a shift?

The 1st step to making any shift in your life is to look at your current results. Become aware of where you are and what is causing you to be there. What have you achieved in the past month? Is this the result you want?

Here is the results formula: (S + T) x E x A = R / R=T

S (Situations/Circumstances/Other People) These are all outside of your control. I can assure you that I have spent years trying to control other people and it has not worked.

Covid exists in the world.

T (Thoughts) The thoughts you have about the situation or other people.

My business to going to take a downturn. I may even have to close it.

E (Emotions) The thoughts you chose about situations or other people cause your own emotions. Other people and situations DO NOT cause your emotions.

I feel anxious, worried and fearful.

A (Actions or in-action) Your emotion is the FUEL for all your actions which includes in-actions.

I stop marketing my business to conserve money and I laid off approximately 50% of my staff.

R (Results) The results you get in your life are because of your actions/in-actions which always support your original thoughts.

My business has taken a down-turn.

The 2nd step is to investigate your thinking. Get in the habit of journaling or simply write down your thoughts daily. You may be surprised at the thoughts you have each day, some maybe very consuming. Use the results formula above.


If your results are not what you want. Think about and decide what you want.

The 3rd step is to ask yourself “What would someone who achieved this result be thinking”.  Try on that thought. Is it something you believe? Is it something you could practice believing? Use the result formula and fill in the rest. What emotions are you likely to feel if you think this new thought? And what actions will you take when you feel this way?

Be the eye of the hurricane. Be optimistic. Be that person who goes within and think about what opportunities exist from where you stand. Move if you need to move until you are able to tune in to the right vibrations that will align to your positive vibrations.

I’m Nadine Seaga and I’m a Life & Leadership Coach, Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants. I can help you to harness your full potential and the full potential of your most valuable asset! Check out more of my website here at for more information or shoot me an email at to connect and get started on this life-changing work.