How to accomplish what you want in 5 easy steps

The end of 2020 is just a few days away and this is usually the time we reflect on what we achieved over the year. Though this year has been like no other we’ve experienced in our lifetime, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t review it.

Let me start with me.

As I reflect on 2020, my goals were to:

1.       Get clear on who I wanted to help to do what.

2.       Coach as many people as I could to figure out who I wanted to coach

3.       Deliver training and coaching programmes online.

I help Good Managers become Great Leaders, so they can lead themselves, their teams and their organizations. After deciding that this is what I wanted to do, the flood gates opened and opportunity after opportunity came for me to coach a number of women in management which only cemented my heart’s desire.

One of the challenges almost all of them shared was the difficulty they had in managing their time and achieving their goals. They all complained about how busy they were and how stressed and frazzled they felt at the end of the day. They all wanted at least an extra hour in the day.

Do you feel this way?

While the end of a year comes with an opportunity to reflect, it also brings the beginning of a new year with a new opportunity to start afresh.

If you find yourself having these same thoughts, wondering how you’re going to accomplish what you want, you really want to start thinking about what you think and believe about TIME and inspect your relationship with TIME. On the one hand, TIME could be scarce, and you don’t have enough of it to do the things you want to do and on the other hand, TIME could be something you have more than enough of, to do everything you want to do. The difference between the 2 is how you’re thinking about TIME and not TIME itself. Whichever you believe, will be true for you.

To help you figure this out, ask yourself these questions and take the TIME to write your answers down:

1.     What did you use the last 24hrs to do? (Include checking social media, driving, eating, talking on the phone with friends etc.)

2.     What do you want to use your time for?

3.     Why do you spend your time the way you do?

4.     Time goes by fast when I’m doing ….

5.     Time goes by slow when I’m doing ….


The answers you write here will give you some insight into your thoughts and beliefs around TIME.

TIME as you know, doesn’t actually go by any faster or slower at any time and every single human being has the exact amount of TIME to do with, as they chose.

What you will discover.

The way you spend your TIME is determined by the way you think and the way you think and spend your TIME will create the results you have in your life.

When you reflect on 2020, if your result is not in keeping with your goals, use the time over the next 9 days to answer these questions:

How well is my thought and belief about TIME serving me?

What new thought about TIME would better serve me?

Can I get an extra hour please?

No. You can however, decide to manage your mind and use the TIME that you do have to do all the things that you want to do with TIME to spare!

I’m thrilled to offer

Do More, Stress Less,

a 6 weeks course on Time Management.

Sign up NOW. I can help you to manage your TIME, change your perspective on TIME and have YOUR most productive year EVER.

I’m Nadine Seaga and I’m a life and leadership coach, Founder & Chief Energy Officer (CEO) of People Development Consultants.

Visit my website at for more information.