Posts tagged Life Goals
How to courageously create a life and build a legacy you love?

I understood how important my environment is to my outcome and so I created my own environment that prepared me to compete at the highest level. What that meant was, I was mindful of the people I surrounded myself with, I became very attuned to how they impacted my energy and attention. Your ideal environment may not always feel comfortable, instead, think of it as a place where you can grow into becoming your best self.

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Leading By Design - Nadine Seaga's Journey of Living Intentionally

While leading a life by design is about leadership, it’s also about doing everything with passion and knowing that it’s a process of learning and growing. I had a dream of a workplace where people looked forward to going to work, not just to get paid but where they were excited about contributing their skillsets and their talents. I want them to know “that” environment gets created by the part they play, by the person that shows up every day.

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Great Leadership Begins With Self-Leadership

Ever considered why flight attendants tell us to put on our own oxygen masks first in an emergency, before we attempt to render aid to fellow passengers? It’s because you need to first take care of yourself and only then are you in a position to help someone else. The same applies in the workplace, particularly in leadership.

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